Best Angular 4 (Angular 6, 2) Books, Tutorials, Courses & Resources

Angular 4 books, angular4 tutorial, angular courses, best angular books
(Last Updated On: February 21, 2019)

Angular 4 is a popular version of Angular by Google. While we were developing one of our websites, we came across many good Angular 4 (Angular 2 originally) Books, tutorials, courses and other resources. We intend to list them to enhance our readers knowledge. If you are looking for best angular 4 books, tutorials, angular 4 sample apps, Angular 4 resources and other useful angular 4 references, then you have landed at the perfect place.

Angular4 is likely to maintain its place amongst the top web frameworks. So, keeping yourself acquainted with comprehensive guides, easy tutorials, valuable courses and ongoing references is what you want to learn Angular 4.

However, we have updated this post with new entrants to the Angular books: Best Angular 6 Books as well. Keep visiting to check latest editions for Best Angular 7 books as well.

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Angular 6 Books: Best List

Best Angular books, angular books, best angular 4 books, best angular 6 books, best angular 7 booksTo upgrade your knowledge, we have updated this post with latest and trending Angular 6 books also:

1. ng-book The Complete Book on Angular 6

2. Angular 6 – For Enterprise ready Web Applications

3. Pro Angular 6

4. Angular 6 by Example

5. Architecting Angular Applications with Redux, RxJS, and NgRx

Angular 4 Books: Best List 


ng-book – This complete book on Angular 4 is one of the best Angular 4 Books around. It covers from basic to deep Angular concepts in an easy to understand way. The book is structured very well and gives a thorough understanding of the basic concepts including Components, Views etc. as well as a good idea of some advanced topics like using Redux, Observables, Reactive programming etc.

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Though the price of the book is on a higher side, but this Angular4 book is bang the buck.

[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Checkout ng-book at Amazon[/button]

Angular 2 Cookbook:

Rated as 4.5 on Amazon, Angular 2 cookbook is one of the best books around. Random Easter eggs make the book very interesting to read. Price is manageable and the articles are deep enough to get you a thorough understanding on important concepts of Angular 2 / Angular 4.

[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Checkout Angular 2 cookbook on Amazon[/button]

Angular 2: A Practical introduction:

The book sells on and is highly popular for those looking to hook into Angular 4. Since, the book is in E-book format, the book is continuously updated with new release of Angular 4. So, you keep getting the updates after making one single payment.

Angular 4 Courses: Best List

Courses are a rage on web these days. Video courses delivered over big platforms like Udemy, Coursera etc. drive a lot more consumers than the physical books these days. Some of them are much more affordable than even the books and you get the additional advantage of free updates since the course is delivered over the web.

Let’s have a sneak peek into some of the popular and best Angular 4 courses and Angular4 tutorials with a few notable highlights on each one of them:

Angular 4: From Theory to Practice and a Free E-book:

This course consists of 15 hours on-demand video, 38 Articles and a Free e-book. The course is very well received on Udemy and is one of the trending courses in the list of Angular 4 courses .

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The Complete Angular Course: Beginning to Advanced:

This is also one of the popular courses on Udemy and covers videos of 29.5 hours, 10 Articles and 38 resources. Building a practical ecommerce app on top of Angular 4, firebase and Bootstrap 4 combo is just an icing on the cake. The price of this Angular course is also really genuine and this one is highly recommended for starters.

Egghead’s Angular 2 Course:

Egghead can’t be left behind when it comes to best Angular 2 tutorials for latest technologies. The course on Egghead can be a really good starting point for beginners.

Angular 2 from ground up:

This one is the best value of money courses on Udemy. You can take this Angular course up even if you want to code angular with ES5/6 rather than typescript. This is perhaps one of the USP of the course apart from its generous pricing.

This was our exclusive list of in-demand and significant Angular 4 books, angular tutorial and courses. Which book or course seems to be a good fit for you? Which angular tutorial or resource would you prefer to choose and why?

You may also like: 10 Best Angular4 Website, Dashboard and Admin themes

Did you like this collection of latest courses and material about Angular 4 and related details? Did we miss out any crucial name in our list of Angular books? Please feel free to drop any good courses or material that you have come across recently. We shall keep updating you with the latest versions or good angular resources that hit the market.

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