Best Startup Tools for Entrepreneurs to Grow Business! Infographic

(Last Updated On: August 2, 2019)

Through this post, you will become familiar with some of the Best Startup tools or resources that you need to have as an entrepreneur. It’s not easy to manage a startup, a lot of hard work and consistent efforts are required initially. Besides this, if you also have all the requisite tools and a set of complete resources to run your startup, this can surely help to turn your new business into a great success.

Startup Scenario

There’s absolutely zero shortage of helpful hints, advice, tools, and processes that you can put in place when you’re creating a business. Especially the one that’s heavy on the startup and tech aspects of our world. But, just because there are a lot of tools around doesn’t necessarily mean that all of them make sense for what you need, or even work well.

Take tools that promise to help you better manage your clients—learn more about them, walk through the customer journey, help smooth their way from prospect to sold to returning client. These tools hold so much potential, and yet so many startups ignore a deep dive into that essential Customer relationship management (CRM) software.

But, if your salespeople can’t make an instant connection with your clients, if they can’t hike up over their fears and explain to them the benefits and usefulness of your product to their day to day operations, then you’ve lost a golden opportunity. You realise later that these lost opportunities add up.

So, it’s really essential to have certain important and useful tools at your disposal to get the desired results in the long run.

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CRM Software:

The very best CRM software integrates seamlessly into your day to day processes—into emails and order tracking, customer service and marketing. It also takes data and provide analytics that offer insight into your business. It can also help you generate leads and quickly understand what kind of a lead it is—hot, cold, future or present.

When businesses have a CRM platform that works, it shows—in the bottom line. High-performing teams utilize CRM software over 3 times more than their under-performing counterparts. Even with that statistic, however, over 30 percent of those underachievers are not likely to find a customer relationship management software that works for them.

All this has been summed up in this Infographic on Tools Your Startup Should be using, a pretty informative one for the startup entrepreneurs. Don’t forget to add it in your Startup kit. So, if you have a unique idea, you need to take the initiative and setup your startup. Now, that’s not enough…

Boost your business with the following :

  • Good CRM System
  • Appropriate tools
  • Advanced technology
  • Efficient and productive team
  • Measure Key Performance Indicators(KPIs)
  • Improve your marketing, services and customer support.

A combination of all these factors shall drive more sales and an enhanced user experience that your clients will cherish.
Click To Enlarge

The Tools Your Startup Should Be Using — And Why

Via Salesforce

Hope you enjoyed this post? What other important aspects of the CRM software should you consider? This infographic explains the ins and outs that every startup must know.

Also, have a look at the Top 5 Business Processes for Small Businesses

Do you have any other great ideas or startup tools to share? What are the best resources that a startup needs to possess in order to scale-up its business? Do share your opinions in the comments section below and guide different startups to grow with your amazing tips.

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