Angular 7, 6, 4 (Angular 2) Website, Dashboard, Admin Themes & Templates

Angular dashboard templates & themes, Angular dashboard, Angular themes, Angular templates
(Last Updated On: April 25, 2019)

Angular 4(previously Angular 2) is rapidly gaining foot in the market. So, if you are looking to develop an angular 4  or an angular 2 application. You now might be looking for suitable Free or premium Angular 4 website admin or dashboard theme/templatesThen you are at the right place! We shall be discussing a handful of Best Angular Themes and Templates around.

Please note that this collection of themes/templates doesn’t apply to Angular version 1 or AngularJS.

So, let’s have a closer look at popular and trending Angular Dashboard templates and Angular themes.

Premium Angular 7 & Angular 6 Admin/Dashboard templates

Material Dashboard Pro Angular 7 from Creative Tim

Angular Material Dashboard, Angular templates

Creative Tim has been making some of the most beautiful themes especially in the framework world like Angular 7. Material Dashboard Pro is one of the most premium angular 7 themes in the market. This is a flagship product at Creative Tim. It is based on bootstrap 4 framework. Not only this, you’ll get multiple third part plugins packed with this theme.

Moreover, this angular theme keeps getting the latest angular version upgrades and supports almost all the design elements that you will ever want.

Some of the salient Features:

  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack : Angular 7, Bootstrap 4, Material Kit
  • RTL Support: Yes
  • Support by Developer: Yes
  • Angular CLI: Yes
  • About 200 handcrafted Components (including form components, other UI form elements like Stepper etc).
  • About 15 customised plugins
  • 27+ Example pages.
  • Easy to develop further plugins for functionality.

[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Get Material Dashboard Pro Angular 7[/button]

Paper Dashboard Pro

Paper dashboard Angular, Angular templates

Paper Dashboard pro is a premium Angular 6 Dashboard template powered by bootstrap 4 and material design. Its colour combination, wonderful typography and spacious cards can be a great fit for your business. Further, this angular template comes loaded with useful plugins and documentation to support you.

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So, here are some of the salient features of theme.

  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack: Angular 6, Bootstrap 4, Material Design
  • 160+ handcrafted components
  • 15+customized plugins
  • Support by Developer: Yes

[button link=”” newwindow=”yes”] Get Paper Dashboard Pro[/button]


Primer is a premium Angular 4 Admin Template. So, powered by bootstrap 4 Primer can really lighten up your dashboard.

Here are a few specs of Primer, one of the popular angular templates:

  • Angular-CLI: Yes
  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack : Angular 2 / 4, Bootstrap 4, Material Design
  • RTL Support: Yes
  • Support by Developer: Yes


Fury is another Angular 4 template based on Angular material 2. So, this one powered by bootstrap 4 and following material design specs, Fury can really lighten up your dashboard.

Here are a few specs of the template:

  • Angular-CLI: Yes
  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack: Angular 2 / 4, Bootstrap 4, Material Design
  • RTL Support: Yes
  • Support by Developer: Yes


As Shakespere once said “wha’ts in the name”, the saying fits perfectly on StartNG. So, it’s not just a starter template and can act as a full blown Angular 4 Admin Dashboard. Hence, this template is loaded with features and is highly customisable and is well worth a look.

Here are a few specs of the template:

  • Angular-CLI: Yes
  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack: Angular 2 / 4, Bootstrap 4, Material Design
  • RTL Support: Yes
  • Support by Developer: Yes

Material Pro

Material pro is another beautiful Angular 4 Dashboard supporting material design and bootstrap 4. Moreover, good Saas based styling and support from the developers make it a front runner.

Here are a few specs of this angular template:

  • Angular-CLI: Yes
  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack: Angular 2 / 4, Bootstrap 4, Material Design
  • RTL Support: Yes
  • Support by Developer: Yes
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Material Admin

Material admin uses existing libraries like Angular Material 2 and bootstrap 4 to bring together a good theme which can be used well on production site. Moreover, the use of NPM and webpack for module integration makes the theme easier to use for developer as well

  • Webpack: Yes
  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack: Angular 2 / 4, Bootstrap 4, Angular Material 2
  • RTL Support: Yes
  • Support by Developer: Yes

Free Angular 4 Admin/Dashboard templates

Angular 2/4 is an advanced echo system now. Courtesy this eco-system, we have got many angular themes and angular templates. The best part is a bunch of them are free to use and can get you started in a splash. So, here are we to look at some of the great Free Angular 4 Dashboard/Admin themes and templates:

Material Dashboard from Creative Tim

Creative Tim has been making some of the most beautiful themes especially in the framework world like Angular 4. Their flagship material dashboard theme is no less than an eye candy. To top it all, the theme is free of cost for most of your work. So, you can upgrade to Pro Version if you would like to do it. But, the free version is sufficient enough for any production level app as well.

Some of the salient Features are:

  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack: Angular 2 / 4, Bootstrap 4, Material Kit
  • RTL Support: Yes
  • Support by Developer: Yes
  • Angular CLI: Yes

Paper Dashboard For Angular

Paper Dashboard for Angular is an angular port of the popular Admin Paper Dashboard Theme for Bootstrap. So, Paper Dashboard is a minimal version to get started with some admin dashboard.

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Some of the salient Features:

  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack: Angular 2 / 4, Bootstrap 4
  • Support by Developer: Yes

Core UI for Angular

Core UI for Angular is an angular port for the popular CoreUI for bootstrap template. The template is well supported and pretty popular in community. So, the template has a pro version which provides some UIs like invoicing, email compose list etc out of the box.

  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack: Angular 2 / 4, Bootstrap 4, Material Kit
  • RTL Support: Yes
  • Support by Developer: Yes
  • Angular CLI: Yes


ngx-admin is an open source Angular Dashboard well suited for Admin/User Dashboard on Angular 2 based web applications. The template goes much more than just theme the application. Further, it provides a framework for some day to day implementations as well like Authentication, Hot reload, Charts integration etc.

Some of the salient features:

  • Responsive: Yes
  • Stack : Angular 2 / 4, Bootstrap 4, Angular Material 2
  • RTL Support: Yes
  • Support by Developer: Yes

We will keep expanding the list as we discover awesome Angular 4 Themes and Templates. So, which angular theme you like? Have you been using some other Best Angular themes or Angular templates ? Feel free to share the same in the comment section.



    Materialize – Material Design Admin Template

    Materialize is a Material Design Admin Template is the excellent responsive google material design inspired multipurpose admin template.

    Please check this template & add in your blog post

    • admin


      Thanks for dropping by. However this is a list of templates that are compatible and provide boilerplate components for angular 4. Therefore, we are unable to include it in this list. With that said, its a good admin template otherwise

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