Artificial Intelligence Quotes: Best & Famous Quotations on AI

Artificial Intelligence Quotes, AI Quotes, Artificial Intelligence quotations, Artificial Intelligence
(Last Updated On: May 2, 2019)

You might have come across the words like machine learning, intelligent retrieval, expert systems, they all simply refer to Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is the capability of a machine or computer program to think, learn, work and react like humans. This ability of AI is leading our way to a completely transformed world of intelligent machines. So, we thought of compiling a bunch of wonderful Artificial intelligence quotes for knowing this interesting concept.

You wish to enhance your knowledge about Artificial Intelligence Uses & Applications. There is no better way of doing it, than getting to know, some inspiring and meaningful thoughts of others.

So, let’s take a glimpse of this ongoing progression towards the dynamic era of artificial intelligence. Have a look at the impressive collection of some amazing and famous quotes on Artificial Intelligence, by famous and notable people. A truly inspiring way to understand this advancement of technology across the globe.

Artificial Intelligence Quotes: Best Collection 

1. “Artificial intelligence is the future and the future is here.” – Dave WatersAI quotes, quotes on AI, Quotes on Artificial intelligence

2. “Public trust is a vital condition for artificial intelligence to be used productively.” – Mark WalportAI quotes, Quotes on AI, Artificial intelligence quotes, Famous AI quote

3. “Artificial intelligence is about replacing human decision making with more sophisticated technologies.” – Falguni Desai                                                                                                             AI quotes, Quotes on AI, Artificial intelligence quotes, positive AI quotes

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4. “Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.” – Yann LeCunAI quotes, Quotes on AI, Artificial intelligence quotes, Famous AI quotes

5. “By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.” – Eliezer Yudkowsky                                                                                                       AI quote, AI quotes, Quotes on AI, Quotes on artificial intelligence

6. “In the long term, artificial intelligence and automation are going to be taking over so much of what gives humans a feeling of purpose.” – Matt Bellamy                                                 AI quotes, Quotes on AI, Artificial intelligence quotes, Famous AI quotes

7. “Building advanced AI is like launching a rocket. The first challenge is to maximize acceleration, but once it starts picking up speed, you also need to focus on steering.” – Jaan TallinnAI quotes, artificial intelligence quotes

8. “AI is a tool. The choice about how it gets deployed is ours.” – Oren Etzioni                                                             AI quotes, artificial intelligence quotes

9. “The thing that’s going to make artificial intelligence so powerful is its ability to learn, and the way AI learns is to look at human culture.” – Dan Brown                                                                                                      AI quotes, artificial intelligence quotes

10. “The tools and technologies we’ve developed are really the first few drops of water in the vast ocean of what AI can do.” – Fei-Fei Li                                                                                                  AI quotes, Quotes on AI, Artificial intelligence quotes, Famous AI quote

11. “The real goal of AI is to understand and build devices that can perceive, reason, act, and learn at least as well as we can.” – Astro Teller                                                                                                 AI quotes, Quotes on AI, Artificial intelligence quotes, artificial intelligence

12. AI is “A core, transformative way by which we’re rethinking how we’re doing everything.” – Sundar Pichai AI quotes, Quotes on AI, Artificial intelligence quotes, artificial intelligence

These awesome quotes on AI might have left you more informed and enlightened about creation and future of the intelligent machines.

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Besides increasing your knowledge pool, these quotes throw light on first hand experiences of machine learning.

Artificial Intelligence: Overview

To put it in a nutshell, AI has, and AI is making huge progress with each passing day. This in turn helps to improve our lives and make it more simpler.

Furthermore, we are moving towards a completely new and hopefully a better future. And this is possible if we direct our AI knowledge in the right direction. With creativity and innovation at its best, the dynamic movements in the tech field shall keep on emerging and growing.

Moreover, it’s always wonderful to get to know the viewpoint of others on any trending topic, like Artificial Intelligence. What do you have to say after reading the beautiful Artificial intelligence quotes above? You can share your opinions in our comment section. Wait! Don’t forget to visit and start a thoughtful discussion at our Techpikk Forum as well.

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