7 Best Movie Review Themes for Your Movie Review Website

Best Movie Review Themes
(Last Updated On: April 25, 2019)

If you are movie buff and have made a website for movie reviews and looking to dash it up with great looking UI, then you have arrived at the correct place. This blog lists the best movie review themes for your WordPress website.

Movie Review Themes: Significance

Cinema is a relatively “young” kind of arts. It is just slightly over a hundred years old. There are numerous fan communities of different movie genres and even certain movies or series. And these communities need more and more info about their favourite topics to discuss. That’s where movie review websites come into the spotlight! And WordPress theme for movie website come in handy here.

Every website owner – be it a business person or an individual blogger – looks for a decent solution that will perform great and attract visitors with an outstanding design.  A perfect movie review WordPress theme should be around:

  • Great design: Movies are visuals and your website should come in line with the movie genre and its style peculiarities;
  • Video support and embed functionality;
  • Blog with Comments section;
  • Reviews and testimonials section.

Movie review websites are often someone’s fan projects. And not many movie bloggers are ready to pay thousands of dollars to web design studios to get a solid website. That’s where WordPress templates can become real time and money savers. As usually templates cost around $70-100 per one item and are affordable for most users.

And they are perfectly responsive! Today, when more and more people perform browsing, reading and even video watching from their mobile devices, having a responsive website is a must!

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Now, let’s check out a few the most attractive movie review WordPress templates.

Movie Studio WordPress Theme

This amazing chic theme for movie website can attract not only movie reviewers.

Movie Studio WordPress Theme

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SocialVideo – Viral Youtube And Vimeo Video Magazine WordPress Theme

For extremely social movie geeks, this theme will be perfect! It includes loads of instruments for performing the social-related activity. And all those instruments are right at your hand in the Customize menu.

SocialVideo - Viral Youtube And Vimeo Video Magazine WordPress Theme

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Movie Production Studio WordPress Theme

There are several visual decorations: like nice city background that adds some freshness and air to the overall atmosphere.

Movie Production Studio WordPress Theme

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Movie Responsive WordPress Theme

With this theme, all movie-fans will fast become your loyal visitors and subscribers. It has an energetic design aimed at the visual part of the website. The huge header can include the images with links to the latest reviews for the premiers.

Movie Responsive WordPress Theme

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Video Blog WordPress Theme

This template will be a nice base for video blog website. Powerful admin panel with Cherry Framework integration allows you tweaking and managing the entire website without touching a line of code.

Video Blog WordPress Theme

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Online Cinema WordPress Theme

Dark color scheme of this template can become a great fit for genre-focused community blogs like horror-movie fans or action-movie aficionados. Responsive design makes sure your content will look perfect on a large-screen of a desktop and on a tiny screen of a smartphone.

Online Cinema WordPress Theme

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Which of the above WordPress movie themes is your choice? Have you already picked up a starting point for your online movie project? All these templates make decent solutions for a large portal or a small personal project. Just evaluate your niche and think of what fits your idea the best! Do you have any other movie review themes to add to our list. Feel free to share it in the comments.


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