10 Famous Graphic Design Quotes: Best to Boost Your Creativity

Best Graphic Design Quotes, graphic design quotes
(Last Updated On: June 17, 2020)

Are you excited to learn from the experiences of some great graphic designers and creative people? If yes, this post is just for you! In fact, reading through some of the famous inspirational quotes on graphic design, is a delight in itself. So, we have tried to present a perfect combination of unique thoughts. Enjoy scrolling through this collection of famous and best graphic design quotes.

Graphic Design Quotes: Importance 

Graphic design, as you might be aware is an art with a direction and a reason. It is indeed vital for an effective communication with people. Moreover, you can reach the target audience in an artful and innovative manner. No doubt, visuals can grab more attention than plain words. So, graphic designing plays a significant role in redefining your ideas.

Now, do you wish to perk up your work spirit and be more enthusiastic? There is no better way than treating yourself to a marvellous selection of the best graphic design quotes. The ones that will surely boost your imagination and skills. Graphic design quotes from great people and designers not only re-energize you, but give a whole new meaning to look at graphics.

If you are involved with graphic design in any way, these graphic quotes would definitely revitalize your creativity.

10 Graphic Design Quotes: Best & Famous List

1. “There are three responses to a piece of design-yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” -Milton Glaser Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

This one is indeed the topmost, one of my favourite graphic design quotes. “WOW” is what we should aim for! So, nicely and truly said in just few words.

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2. “Practice safe design: Use a concept.” –Petrula Vrontikis                        Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

3. “Don’t worry about people stealing your design work. Worry about the day they stop.” -Jeffrey Zeldman Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

4. “I strive for two things in design: simplicity and clarity. Great design is born of those two things.” -Lindon Leader    Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

5. Design is the fundamental soul of a human-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.” –Steve Jobs                                                           Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

6. “Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.” –Charles Eames Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

7. “Design is intelligence made visible.” –Alina Wheeler                                    Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

8. “The designer does not begin with some preconceived idea. Rather, the idea is the result of careful study and observation, and the design a product of that idea.” –Paul Rand                  Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

9. “Where you innovate, how you innovate, and what you innovate are design problems.” –Tim Brown Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

10. “If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.” –Ralf Speth Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

Best Graphic Design Quotations: Few more to add

The post titles 10 Best Graphic Design Quotes. But, while researching on this topic, we got a handful of additional quotations to add to our list. We also discovered a set of inspirational graphic quotes.

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In fact, we could’t resist sharing these beautiful thoughts with you, no matter this post gets a bit longer.

So, here we present few additional graphic design quotes to further enhance your creativity and innovation skills.

11. “A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” –Antoine de Saint-Exupery                                                   Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

12. “Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.” –Joe Sparano Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

13. “Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration.” –Jeffrey Zeldman Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

14. “No design works unless it embodies ideas that are held common by the people for whom the object is intended.” –Adrian Forty                                                                                         Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

15. “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like, design is how it works.” –Steve Jobs Quotes about graphic design, Design quotes inspirational, Quotes on graphic design, Best graphic design quotes

Hope you enjoyed exploring these wonderful graphic design quotes. What do you have to say about these beautiful and energising thoughtful ideas?

Any quotations on technology or related things just re-energises our thoughts. So, haven’t these motivational graphic design quotes left you more charged? We are sure, they must have!

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Gear yourself up and stay inspired for your designing journey ahead.

Are you also preparing for a designer interview? If yes, you may also be interested in Best Graphic Design Interview Questions.

Is there any graphic design quotation, that has uplifted your approach towards designing? Do you wish to add it to our bunch of best graphic design quotes adding some more variety to our list? Feel free to share it in the comments section below.


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