5 Best Tools You Need to Teach Better Online

Best tools to teach online
(Last Updated On: April 22, 2020)

Not only America, but the whole world is going through uncertain and unprecedented times right now with schools and businesses across countries being ordered to close. However, teaching doesn’t stop, especially as technology can make teaching online an easier and even more efficient experience. That covers our today’s topic of discussion, tools that you should keep handy to continue your learning and teaching activities. Let’s have a quick look at the best online teaching tools.

Best Online Teaching Tools

Given the right tools, teachers are able to maximize their time with their students. So with that in mind, here are 5 things that will help teachers carry out their classes online.

1. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a very common, straightforward platform that’s both free and expansive. A list of distance learning tools for teachers by HP discusses how Google Classroom allows you to invite students to a private classroom and share files with them. This way, students can submit their assignments to you online, streamlining both the checking and feedback process. You can even integrate Classroom with other Google tools, like Gmail and Google Docs, or even apps such as Pear.

Not to mention, it’s also mobile-friendly, and compatible with both iOS and Android. Given its versatility and how easy it is to use, Google Classroom is definitely a great platform to begin with.

2. Prezi

Prezi is like PowerPoint, only better. It is a web-based presentation software that leverages motion, zoom functions, and spatial relationships to bring your ideas or lectures to life. Prezi has been around for over a decade and is praised for being an effective teaching and learning tool. Researchgate details how this virtual whiteboard lets you create presentations so your students can visualize your ideas. This, in turn, helps them understand and recall concepts.

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But to maximize it, it’s worth considering letting your students use it, too. For instance, ask them to make Prezi presentations about various topics. This way, you are ensuring activity-based learning. Through this, your students will be able to take in more information compared to when they just listen to your lectures.

3. Edmodo

Besides actually teaching, educators have many other tasks to do like sending students messages, sharing assignments, tracking grades, and making quizzes. Fortunately, Edmodo, can help you, as it lets you accomplish the aforementioned tasks easily and conveniently and in less time. As a result, Edmodo frees up your schedule so you can focus on preparing your lessons and visual aids.

Even better, this mobile-friendly platform features a community component as well, with teachers worldwide sharing resources on the platform. At the moment, there are over 650 million resources being shared on Edmodo, all of which you can search and access to help your students gain understanding of your lessons.

4. QuizStar

An integral part of teaching is testing, and this is where QuizStar comes in. QuizStar, a free online tool that allows teachers to create objective tests, which you students can take online. You can even let the platform do the checking and grading for you, and let students see what parts they got wrong. Like Edmodo, QuizStar will free up your schedule, giving you more time to prepare for your lectures.

5. Flashback Express

Flashback Express is one of the free screen recorders we have talked about previously, and it is a useful addition to your teaching arsenal. It lets you capture content from your computer or webcam, then export the recording to YouTube, or on an FTP server. This makes it easy to grab videos that you can use for your online classes. What’s more, Flashback Express features a simple, easy-to-use interface that makes this screen recorder an ideal fit for first-time users. Leveraging this can help you make more appealing visual aids for your class.

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In a world, where virtual learning is on the rise, having access to several useful online teaching tools is really great! So, which is your favorite online classroom software? Feel free to discuss.

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