MoveIt App: How to move your Media to SD Card?

MoveIt App, Move Media to SD Card
(Last Updated On: June 12, 2018)

Are you looking for ideas and applications to move Media to SD Card? If yes, this post might be of your interest where we have discussed a useful application called MoveIt App and its main features.

One of the biggest problem that Android users face is running on low storage. ⅓ of the android users run off storage space every day. A lot of storage space is occupied by Important Images, Videos and Audios which cannot be deleted and only transferred to SD Card. Transferring Media to SD Card can be a hectic task and may take a lot of time as you will have to search each and every folder to find all the Images, Videos, and Audios on your Phone and then transfer them.

To solve all the storage related Problem there is an app called MoveIt. It helps to easily and efficiently transfer your Images, videos, and audios to SD Card and vice versa. This app also has inbuilt cleaner which helps clean junk files which in turn boost your phones speed and storage.

It also has a Media Scanner which helps to find hidden Medias in your Phone which are otherwise not displayed. These hidden Medias also occupy a large amount of your storage space.

MoveIt also has many more unique features as discussed below.

MoveIt App: Key Features to Consider

  • Transfer Medias to SD Card from Internal Storage: Transfer your Images, Videos and Audios altogether from Internal Storage to SD Card easily using MoveIt. The transferring process used by MoveIt is so simple and easy that it also saves a lot of time.MoveIt App, move media to sd card
  • Transfer your Medias to Internal Storage: MoveIt also Transfer your Images, Videos, and Audios altogether from SD Card to Internal Storage.
  • Auto Transfer: Auto transfer is a unique one of its kind feature. It automatically Transfer’s your Images, Videos, and Audios to SD Card automatically. The user need not even open the app to transfer their Medias to SD Card as MoveIt automatically does it.
  • Inbuilt Cleaner: MoveIt has an inbuilt junk cleaner that helps to clean your Phones junk such as apk, thumbnail, Empty folder etc. to boost your phone’s speed and also to increase the storage.
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  • Media scanner: MoveIt App also has a both an internal storage media scanner and external storage media scanner. That helps in finding all the hidden media in your phone. Hidden unwanted Medias are media that are not being displayed but occupy a large part of your storage space and also makes the phone hang.
  • Search: Search all your Images, videos, and audios in internal storage and SD Card Easily without any hassle.
  • Media Player: MoveIt App has an inbuilt Image, Audio and video player. The Player helps in viewing your media before transferring or deleting them.
  • Delete: Easily view and delete your Images, Videos, and Audios in internal storage or SD Card. As all the medias are Organized together date wise so you need not have to go to each and every folder to search and then delete them using MoveIt.
  • Easy UI: MoveIt App has an easy and user-friendly UI. So that you can effortlessly and easily Transfer your Images, Videos, and Audios to SD Card and Vice Versa. The UI is made in such a way that it also saves time of user that are transferring their Medias to SD Card or vice versa. 

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MoveIt App: An App to manage your Media

MoveIt is an app that helps to manage your Medias so that your phone is never low on storage. It will help you to again use your phone to the fullest, by also helping you to free up some space by cleaning up junk files and hidden Medias.

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If your phone’s always running on low storage, MoveIt is a must have App. The size of the app is less than 7 MB so it would not even occupy much of your storage space.

Download MoveIt for free- Download MoveIt

Disclaimer: This is a guest post and not a sponsored one. The opinions given here are the personal views of the author. or any of its representative is not associated with the above software and company. This post is for informational purpose only. 


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