Top 10 Cloud Computing Technology Service Providers

Cloud computing technology service providers
(Last Updated On: July 17, 2019)

Are you using cloud yet? If yes, great! If not, you’ll gather a bulk of information on Cloud Computing Technology and its basics right here. So, those would be enough to entice you to try it for sure. You’ll also learn about the Top Cloud Computing service providers, all this at a single place.

Cloud Computing: An Overview  

Although Cloud computing is a recent development, it is the new wildfire that is spreading through the internet. According to Statista, in 2018, the amount of cloud data center IP traffic is expected to reach 10.6 zettabytes. And, this is likely to grow to 19.5 zettabytes by 2021.

Cloud computing is vital to your business if you are building innovative services. We are wondering whether you need cloud computing? So, we’ll take a look at why cloud computing is good? What are the benefits of Cloud computing technology? How to use the cloud, and the future trends in cloud based technology? We’ll also take a look at the best cloud service providers or companies.

No doubt, cloud computing is the expected approach for IT. However, many organizations struggle with adopting it though this technology is the foundation for a digital business. According to Gartner enterprises, having a documented cloud strategy is less than one-third.

Cloud Computing Basics

You might have heard a lot about cloud computing these days, but what is it? And how does it benefit you?

You are using the cloud, even without realizing it. So, if you have ever used an email, or done video calling or used any video hosting platform like Vimeo or YouTube. And, if you have photos backed up in Google Photos, you are using the cloud. Did you know that?

Importance of Cloud Computing in Business Organizations

Cloud computing has many advantages which include but are not limited to:

  • This is agile and flexible.
  • It offers cost saving.
  • It’s easy to use,
  • High capacity of storage.
  • Less overhead for the IT department
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Because it is scalable, you don’t have to pay for more than what you use. Not only this, Cloud technology is flexible as well. Moreover, you can add or reduce the storage space you use according to your use. The cloud gives you unlimited storage capacity.

Key Features & Benefits: Explained

1. Cost Savings:

The number one most appealing quality of cloud computing is the cost savings. You don’t have to pay for a large amount of disk space and storage space. Further, it is effortless to set it up and to run. No more downloads and installation. Cloud is available instantly at a few dollars a month.

2. Remote Workspace:

Additionally, Cloud computing facilitates remote workspaces. You and your employees can access data from anywhere, from any device. So, you just need to have an internet connection.

One example is “Living Documents” which reflects real-time changes made by users in real-time working on the document simultaneously from multiple devices. By cloud computing trends 2020, nearly three-quarters of the workforce will be doing remote work online.

3. Security:

Cloud-storage is secure. Your data management is redundant. Cloud computing automates real-time backups and is reliable. Thereby, companies are not required to rely on physical infrastructure and manual backups.

4. Reduced Overhead Costs:

You don’t have to maintain any hardware or software. It is taken care of by the cloud provider. As a result, a lot of administrative overhead is reduced. So, your IT department can focus on initiatives that increase your company’s profit.

Also, Big data mining helps you deliver relevant information to your customers and adjust to customer’s wants and needs.

Large businesses, as well as small businesses, must adopt cloud computing. Though there are challenges, and the learning curve is enormous, the potential benefits are significant in the long term.

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Cloud Computing Service Providers: Types

Cloud computing service providers fall into 3 categories:

1. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service).

2. IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) that offer Web-based access to storage and computing power.

3. PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) that give developers the tools to build and host Web applications.

Top 10 cloud service providers that are worth noting: Three most prominent players in the Cloud computing service providers are Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. Other cloud providers that rank well in this list are AT&T, Enomaly, GoGrid, NetSuite, Rackspace, RightScale, and

Top 10 Cloud Computing Service Providers

1. AWS:

Amazon Web Services, AWS, is the true innovators in web-based computing. They offer pay-as-you-go access to virtual servers. Truly the most popular one!

2. Google Drive:

You might already be aware of this. Google Apps provide an office suite for calendaring, word processing, email, and a simple website tool. Moreover, Google also delivers Google App Engine a PaaS for building and hosting applications on Google.

3. Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Azure is a Windows-as-a-service platform which includes the OS and developer services to build and enhance web-hosted applications.

4. AT&T’s Synaptic:

AT&T’s Synaptic hosting a pay-as-you-go application hosting service that gives access to virtual servers and storage with security and networking facilities.

5. Elastic Computing Platform:

Anomaly’s Elastic Computing Platform (ECP) software makes for the integration of enterprise data centers with commercial cloud. Manage internal as well as external resources using a single console. They don’t provide their software, but it is vital for enterprises to manage resources stored outside and inside their firewall.

6. GoGrid:

This provides web-based storage and helps the fast deployment of Windows and Linux virtual servers with Apache, PHP, Microsoft SQL, and MySQL pre-installed. GoGrid is one chief competitor of Amazon to watch for.

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7. NetSuite:

NetSuite is a business suite of software for e-commerce, CRM accounting, and ERP tools. They are one of the most successful business software providers.

8. Rackspace Cloud:

Rackspace Cloud, also called “Mosso” is a set of three primary services: cloud servers and Virtual server instances.

9. RightScale:

Right Scale is SaaS helping manage the outsourced IT processes. You may build and clone virtual servers, balance load corresponding with need changes, automate backups and monitoring and reporting errors.

10. Salesforce:

Salesforce’s flagship product is a suite of CRM tools for automation, analytics, and social networking. Salesforce is the pioneer of SaaS the precursor of cloud computing is one cloud service provider to watch.

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Cloud Services: Conclusion

Now that, we have shared the cloud basics and a list of best cloud service providers. You have also learnt ways to use cloud technology to set your business up for success. So, do you plan to use cloud technology for your business? If so, what are the benefits you are expecting to get from it? Let us know in the comments!

Author Bio:

This is a guest post by Manan Ghadawala, the founder of 21Twelve Interactive, a popular mobile app development company in India and the USA. He is an idealistic leader with a lively management style. As an astounding business professional with astonishing knowledge and artful tactics, he has the passion to reach those imaginary skies for his clients.

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