What is a Blog? Top 10 Blogging Tips for Beginners

Blogging, what is blog, blogging must have, blogging tips
(Last Updated On: February 4, 2020)

Blogging, this one beautiful word! Have you heard about it? And, what about “Blogging tips” that is a bonus, if you get some great, useful and top blogging tips for beginners that too for free.

So, lets start. If you are a Beginner in the field of Blogging or are thinking to start your own blog, this is an ideal post for you to read.

Now, this is a bit lengthy post, so just get yourself some tea or coffee or a glass of juice and enjoy reading further.

What is a Blog?

What first thought you get in your mind when you hear this word “Blog” or ” Blogging”?

A ” Blog” refers to an online medium to express your feelings and thoughts on the topics of your interest. So, you have your own personal space to share your passion, knowledge and experiences. In fact, you can share any useful and interesting piece of information.  You just need to express to the world.

Simply stated,”Blog” is your own website that you shall update on a regular basis for an audience to visit.

A ” Blog” is also called ” Weblog”. The one who writes a blog or post is known as Blogger.

Blogging can be a hobby for some, a passion for others, a source of passive income for many or may be all of them put together. It might also be a full time income source for many.

So, if you have good writing skills and a passion towards sharing your opinions with the public, this might be the right choice for you. With a bit of systematic planning and implementation, you can become a successful blogger or a freelance web content writer.

Moreover, you can run a blog on any niche of your interest. This means, you can follow a variety of blogging ideas, that can be anything ranging from :

  • Lifestyle
  • Fashion
  • Kids
  • Home
  • Health
  • Food
  • Fitness
  • Diet or Meal Planning
  • Travel
  • Technology
  • Personal Finance
  • Taxation
  • Money
  • Celebrities
  • Startups
  • Entrepreneur
  • General and the list of endless topics goes on…

And yes, how to forget a “Blog on blogging”. This is also a good idea, like the one I am following…

Blogging Tips for Beginners: A Glimpse

The first and the foremost tip: You don’t have to be an expert to start your own blog. Just consider few important Blogging tips and make the blogging path smoother for yourself.

Few years back, I was also a newbie in the field of blogging, when I started my first blog, a personal finance blog. This is the second one or I should say another one…I was busy searching for ways to start my own blog and getting new ideas everyday to turn it to a successful one. The ideas kept on pouring (not by itself…but a lot of research had to be done on the internet) and I tried to experiment different things.

Here, I shall be sharing what I have learnt through my blogging journey. Few of the things that helped me, you might find an answer to some of your queries like :

  • What are the blogging tips that can really help beginners struggling to build a base in the blogging world?
  • What the blog writing tips you need to keep in mind as a newbie blogger or a beginner?
  • How to move ahead in your blogging journey and follow your passion?
  • What are the prerequisites to become  a good blogger?
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So, here is an exclusive list of Top 10 Blogging tips for Beginners that will ease your way in the Blogging world.

Top 10 Blogging Tips for Beginners:

1. A Good Blogging Niche:

Firstly, identify your area of interest and pursue what you like. Choose the blogging niche(area) that you will love to write about. If you are fond of travel and love sharing your views on it, you can go for a travel blog. But, if you are a fashion lover, step towards a fashion blog. Similarly, as a tech lover you can go ahead with a tech blog and so on.Blogging infographic, blogging must have, blogging tips, blogging tips for beginners

2. Be Original:

Write original content only. This is the very first rule of blogging. Don’t copy others content. Newbie bloggers should avoid the mistake of copying the content of other bloggers. This is unethical as well as it can adversely affect you.

Although, you can refer other bloggers and their blogs, and equip yourself with new ideas. But, finally what you write should be a unique piece in itself.

Further, if you write in your own unique style, it will surely attract more visitors if they are impressed by your writing style.

3. Quality Content:

Focus on quality content. ” Content is the king” so provide good and valuable content that adds value to your readers. They should have a good experience visiting your blog.

After all, readers are the one who will help you grow your blog. So, you need to please them by sharing some awesome content.

An additional tip for you :

Write Longer posts to get priority:

As per my experience, longer written content is preferred over shorter or precise articles. Although, this may not be true for all types of content.

No doubt, every blogger wants to be on the first page of Google search. So, this might prove to be a useful tip, that worked well for me and will probably help you also.

Your longer posts with minimum 1000 plus words will get a chance to rank higher than shorter posts. This is what I analysed in my blogging career.

Any blogging tips you wish to share? Do share with us.

4. A Single niche blog:

To start with, a single niche blog is better than a multiple niche blog (speaking from my own experience). You are likely to get confused if you start a multiple niche blog. Although, you can have different categories that are somehow related to each other.

e.g. If you choose to run a Health blog, you can introduce various inter-related categories like Health, food, exercise, fitness in the same blog. But, if you add say technology specific topics to a Health blog, you can mess it all.

Hence, it’s always better to restrict yourself to limited categories initially. Once you get hold of basics and start growing, you can think to diversify in different niches.

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5. Consistency:

You need to put consistent efforts to make your blogging career a success. Be regular in your writing. That doesn’t mean, that you write everyday. But, try to contribute at least 2-3 posts a week initially. You may feel tired at times. But, that is perfectly fine. You can work upon and build a routine for yourself. At the end of the day, it is your consistency that matters.

Newer and fresher content can also help you score preference over others. So, you can improve your authority by regularly posting good and relevant content on your site. This is one of the great blogging tips for beginners, I gained from it, you may as well.

6. Patience:

Blogging is not like a day’s job where you start getting the returns early. It takes some time to build an authoritative platform for yourself. Now, this “some time” can range from few months to 2-3 years also or even higher. This is all based on the time and effort that you put to build up your blog.

e.g. If you are carrying blogging as a part time activity, you won’t be able to devote much time to your blog. And, if so, it will surely take extra time for your blog to grow.

7. Time is your greatest Investment:

This is the most important blogging tip that guided my way. When you start a blog, you may have to put a small monetary investment. But, time is the greatest investment that you can put in to have a successful blogging career.

Fix a routine and try to devote specific working hours towards your blog, based on whether you are doing it part time or full time. Another useful tip, out of the whole list of blogging tips for beginners.

Blogger’s work is not limited to writing only. You have a whole lot of things to complete like:

  • Finding topics
  • Keyword research
  • Analysis
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Marketing

In the beginning, you have to act as an all rounder to generate desired returns. So, time management plays an important role here.

8. Read, read and read:

Make it a habit to read regularly. Reading an article or two related to your blog niche will brush up your knowledge on relevant topics. Moreover, you will get new and innovative ideas to add in your blog. So, go ahead and make your new blog more presentable to your audience.

Not only this, read a lot of content on diversified topics like blogging, marketing, promotion, monetising of your blog. And, yes do checkout any additional blogging tips for beginners. The more you read, the more familiar you become to the vast and dynamic blogosphere.

9. Be a learner

Now that, you have entered the field of blogging. No matter what educational background you have, what work experiences you carry, you need to be a good learner. And, you got to be aware about diverse things like hosting, marketing, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), social media platforms etc. All this are essential ingredients for promoting your blog.

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Of course, you can hire technical staff to maintain your blog, for marketing or other purposes. But, that is a costly affair. You are a beginner, remember! So, it’s better to manage it yourself in beginning.

You don’t need to get any degree or become an expert in different fields. It’s just that you have to get used to doing research on any relevant topics that might come your way.

10. Follow other Bloggers:

Now, this is a general advice that I got, when I did my blogging research. Try to follow at least 2-3 good and popular bloggers, not only in your relevant niche, but in general blogging niche also. You can do so by subscribing to their newsletter or updates. This makes you aware about the latest trends and topics that you should know about. Moreover, you get to add few new things to your basket of blogging ideas. Get inspired and learn from them and their ways of blogging.

Follow popular bloggers to gain ideas and information. However, the content you write must be original, your own masterpiece.

Blogging: Tips for Beginners

“Make money while you sleep” this is what you achieve once you build a successful blog. Now, this does not mean that you make money in your dreams.

If it was so, how easy life could have been…right ! But, it’s not so…

So, it simply means that build yourself another source of income that helps you to add to your earnings. An extra income while you are busy in some other work, or on a holiday or even in your routine job.

Since, the past few years, Blogging has turned out from a part time activity to a full time profession these days. Times are changing and people have shifted from their 9-5 jobs to other avenues to earn money from home.

There are so many famous bloggers who have built a brand for themselves and earn their living or I would rather say enjoy their living through Blogging only.

There are millions of blogs in the magnificent blogging arena. But, you can still built your own small space by consistent efforts,time management and systematic planning. Follow the Blogging tips and ideas and your blogging journey shall become better and organised.

What are you waiting for? If you have the talent and passion in you, go ahead…Start your blogging career by following these simple yet beneficial blogging tips for beginners.

Are you a blogger or want to become one? Do you have any other useful Blogging tips for beginners, to add upon to the above list? Feel free to share your valuable ideas in the comment section.