What are Principal Challenges to IOT Mobile Apps Development?

IoT Mobile apps development
(Last Updated On: June 19, 2019)

Are you into IoT mobile app development? If yes, this post shall give you an idea about the principal challenges to IoT Mobile Apps Development. You’ll also know of different ways to overcome these.

IoT Mobile Apps: A Glimpse

Internet of Things (IoT) is continuing to transform innermost recesses of our life in a definitive way. In fact, the connected ecosystem of devices, sensors and applications make our life very easy.

Developers build a variety of IoT mobile apps for this connected ecosystem. And, these apps give better control to operate devices. Additionally, they also serve as the treasure-trove of user information. This data can be further utilised by analytics and applications of all types. In fact, different types of technology can be used to create new results.

And, the best thing about the IOT mobile apps is that they never present an end in itself. But, the IOT apps always offer a possibility of utilising user data in the increasingly connected world.

However, IOT development doesn’t come without its significant challenges. Besides opportunities, it has its shortcomings as well.

Here, we shall discuss some of the major challenges faced in the IOT mobile apps development.

Key Challenges faced by IOT Mobile Apps Development:

1. Compatibility and Inter-operability

The value generated by IoT technology depends on the inter-operability of a variety of IoT systems. There is a multitude of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), and IoT service provider’s in the market.

With such a diversity, maintaining inter-operability between different IoT systems is a big challenge. Let us understand the problem in a few details:

  • The sensors and networking make up the IoT ecosystem. Every different device is not equipped with similar advanced sensors and capabilities.
  • There are also differences in terms of the ability to consume and saving power.
  • Security standards of various machines also differ from one another to a great extent.
  • Although, you can add external sensors. But, that also doesn’t come without deviations.
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2. Integration Challenge between Applications and Platforms

Successful IoT implementation also demands integration of IoT app with the deserving IoT platform. Simply, a lack of smooth integration of the mobile app with the right platform can result in inefficiency. As a result, this leads to lack of value proposition for the users.

As per leading industry researchers, majority of IoT investment is spent on IoT implementation. And, further in the integration of IoT apps with the right IoT platforms. As of now, there are too many IoT endpoints. In the time to come we can see a lot of consolidation across them.

3. Concerns over Security and Privacy

IoT developers need to focus on priority and address the increasing concerns of privacy and security. Now, security here is not just network security. But, this includes all the components that make IoT rendering possible for the end users.

As IoT devices are used by individuals everywhere, including the innermost personal spaces. They often make user data vulnerable to privacy and security threats of all types. To understand this vulnerability, let us explain a few connecting dots:

  • Data Exchange Security: The user data travels through the sensors, devices, and IoT gateways en-route to the cloud server. Therefore, safeguarding this data through proper encryption is very important.
  • Physical Security: Offering security updates for the physical devices is vital. Since these devices being used in the personal premises remain mostly unattended.
  • Cloud Storage Security: A cloud storage being mostly shared systems often remains subject to security threats and intrusions. An IOT app should always safeguard against such threats.
  • Privacy Updates: You have to comply to certain regulations for sourcing and utilising user data for IoT applications. For example, HIPAA guidelines have been created expressly to protect data privacy.
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4. Network Connectivity

Finally, there’s a network connectivity challenge. Hence, every IoT developer must ensure the smooth and friction-less connectivity of data. Firstly from the IoT device to gateway and then to the cloud server. Without smooth connectivity, many important features may not work at all.

Since, IoT ecosystem principally depends on connectivity across multiple components. This includes devices, sensors, gateways and remote cloud servers. Therefore, any shortcoming here makes the objective of the IOT device and the app suffer.

Let us now explain some of the key ways to make this connectivity better.

  • Follow an established and trusted protocol for the IoT solution to work on its strength.
  • Most IoT devices work on a wireless connection. You don’t have any straightforward choice for the type of connectivity solution. Therefore, you need to consider the constraints and capabilities of the IoT system design. And, you have to make a wise choice.
  • Higher bandwidth and two-way data transfer.
  • A remote processing power.
  • Cutting-edge security management for the cloud storage.

These are some of the considerations for the IoT system and applications in the coming days.

Choose Your IOT Gateways Wisely

IoT gateways remain to be the central or key component. These are responsible for connecting all constituent elements of the IoT ecosystem. And, this includes the devices, sensors, ports, remote cloud servers, etc. So, playing a mission-critical role, IoT gateways cannot be undermined by the IoT developers.

Do you wish to choose the right IoT gateways for your IoT application? No doubt, there are a number of credible and reputed choices. This represents all major hardware IT brands including Dell, Intel, Nexcom and others.

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When choosing among these gateway options, you need to consider different aspects like:

  • Configuration of the network.
  • Development environment supported by it.
  • A Power saving capability.
  • Random memory capacity and few other factors.

Iot Mobile Apps: The Bottom Line

Now, all these challenges shouldn’t take out the motivation from IoT mobile apps developers. You simply need to set a clear objective for developing a tremendously successful IoT app. Don’t worry! You can easily overcome these numerous challenges. Of course, you have a plethora of quality tools and solutions at your command.

Author Bio:

This is a guest post by Juned Ghanchi, head of marketing and co-founder of IndianAppDevelopers Company. A place to hire experienced team of app developers for Android and iPhone application development. The author develops and manages lead generating positive inbound marketing campaigns.

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