Best Tech Podcasts You Should Listen to: Top 15 List

Best Tech Podcasts, technology podcast
(Last Updated On: October 1, 2020)

Have you heard of Tech Podcasts? That’s what our today’s topic revolves around: Best Tech Podcasts to Listen.

So, are you updated with the latest trends in the tech market? No doubt, books and reading have been a traditional method to enhance your tech knowledge. Time has changed, podcasts are becoming highly popular for increasing your skills and learning more about a topic, an idea, or a concept.

Here’s something enticing for the tech professionals, the non-IT ones, and the tech enthusiasts too!

Tech Podcasts: A Glimpse

Podcasts were only recently introduced into the world of news and information sharing. However, they’ve been used for quite some time as a way to get the news out, especially with the rise of the internet itself. The technology that is now available to all people through podcasting has made finding the best technology podcasts easier than ever before.

In this post, we are going to share some of the best tech podcasts you can listen to anything whether you are commuting, working and you want to clean up the house or just chilling. If you want to listen to something interesting then read it to the end. All these best tech podcasts are not in any particular order. So here we go:

Best Tech Podcasts to Listen to

We compiled a random list of some of the most popular and trending tech podcasts.

1. Twenty Thousand Hertz:

This podcast covers everything about science and technology. It also uses some of the most famous background music during the podcasts. You can listen to various episodes on world’s different and recognizable interesting sounds.

2. Analog(ue)

This tech podcast is all about the devices and the feelings behind it. But, you are surely going to enjoy the teasing between hosts Myke Hurley and Casey Liss, which makes this podcast worth listening.

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3. Reply All

As The Guardian once expressed it, Reply All is “a podcast about the internet that is an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it.” The hosts PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman cover various topics and reply to bizarre tech issues. A combo of tech and pop culture!

4. Endless Thread

If you are a Reddit user and always feels curious about various things then this podcast is for you. A joint effort between Reddit and WBUR, Boston’s local NPR station.  They tell stories about various groups, which may include facts and stories which are inspiring to the frustrating, to the entirely creepy ones.

5. Flash Forward

If you love fiction stories and love reading books like “Dune,” “The Handmaid’s Tale,” and “Blindness”, then this podcast is definitely for you. In this critically acclaimed podcast, the host Rose Eveleth puts out futuristic plots like, and also explains these by making conversation with experts to get an absolute answer.

6. Command Line Heroes

It is hosted by Saron Yitbarek, who is the founder of CodeNewbie. This podcast presents a great support to new programmers. Moreover, you can find various programs such as the world of coding, hacking, and open source. Also, listen to the history of computing.

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7. Note to Self

This podcast is from the WNYC Studios. They host shows like the note to Self ponders daily questions about the pervasive technology in our lives, they cover topics like if texting can make you smarter, if your phone is watching you, and if your kids are even real and many more.

8. Anatomy of Next

Hosted by the Founders Fund, a venture capital firm with investments in some tech giants like SpaceX and Airbnb, this tech podcast is among the most popular lot. They cover various big stuff, such as making Mars habitable, what went wrong with Silicon Valley? Which are the most coveted places to live? And many more.

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9. Crazy/Genius

The podcast is hosted by Derek Thompson, the writer of the famous book The Atlantic. This podcast comprises some big questions that you may be curious about such as what will self-driving cars do for the world? The host covers big questions on technology, science, culture, and many more in the various seasons of the podcast.

10. The Changelog

If you believe software development can’t have a human side, this podcast will prove you wrong. The hosts of the podcast Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo record everything about software developers, which includes small-time coders to massive business people running firms like Github. One thing is consistent in this podcast which is that the interviews always represent into the human experience so that the technical front merges together wonderfully with the narrative of the podcast.

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11. 99% Invisible

If you’re a designer or if you want to experience the design which is all around us, then this podcast is for you. Good design is often meant to be invisible. In the podcast “99% Invisible,” you will discover about some of the most influential designs and architectures that mainly go under-the-radar and the things we don’t even think about.

12. IRL: Online Life Is Real Life

If you think that online life can’t be real then this podcast will prove you’re wrong. In each episode of this podcast, host Manoush Zomorodi jumps into the disconnect with narratives from the web. Topics of this tech podcast include privacy breaches, cyber bullying, hacking, fake news, and many more. The podcast is also hosted by Mozilla, which the parent company of famous Firefox browser

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13. Field Study

A unique podcast about the intersection of sports, technology, and society. So if you ever wanted to know about the technology behind sledge hockey, or ever felt curious about how colleges deal with health risks to sports players, then this is the podcast is for you.

14. Triple Click

If you are a hardcore gamer, then you probably know about this pod already. But, if any chance you don’t know about this podcast then let us brief you about it. It’s hosted by three video game specialists, Kirk Hamilton, Maddy Myers, and Jason Schreier. They discuss about various new games, the classics ones, and also include all the cultures in between.

15. Roboism

You will dive into the various exciting topics of robotics such as Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, digital assistants, and many more. This tech podcast will also show you about the humanity behind the robots in our everyday life.

Tech Podcasts:

So that’s it! This was our collection of the best tech podcasts you can listen to. Which is your favorite tech podcast? Is it included in list above or you have some more tech podcast names to add here. Feel free to discuss in comments.


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